New York
The following organizations have taken an interest in prison reform. They either follow the issue on Twitter passively or directly provide resources and information related to prisoners in the community.
Statewide Organizations
- ACCESS/Argus Community Inc., 718-401-5700
- ACLU Criminal Law Reform Project, 212-549-2500
- ACLU National Womens Rights Project, 212-549-2665
- ACLU Reproductive Freedom Project, 212-549-2633
- AIDS Related Community Services, 914 -345-8888
- Above the Law
- Alba Morales
- Amnesty International, USA Death Penalty Abolition Campaign, 212-807-8400; 212-627-1451fax
- AmnestyInternational
- Anne Freeland
- Anthony Papa
- Ari Berman
- Aspen RCC
- Aura Bogado
- Avik Roy
- Birthing Behind Bars
- BlueLightFoundation
- Brennan Center
- CPR Change the NYPD
- CURE New York, 518-346-6848
- Cephas Attica, Inc., 716-856-6131
- Civil Rights Clinic, 212-998-6462
- Columbia SSDP
- Correctional Assoc.
- Court Innovation
- Create A Path
- Criminal Justice
- Daniel Carrillo
- Dawn Porter
- Deborah Hertz
- Democracy Now!
- Dependable Felons
- Disinformation
- Donna Lieberman
- Dr. Benjamin Chavis
- Drop the Rock
- EIO_Coalition
- Eddie Borges
- Eric Friedman
- Ethan Nadelmann
- ExecutionChronicles
- Ezekiel Edwards
- Free Paul Cortez
- GideonsArmyTheFilm
- GirlhoodStudies
- Glenn E. Martin
- Gunz & Butta
- Harlem Youth Court
- HarlemJusticeCenter
- HudsonLink
- Incarcerated Flavors
- Inimai Chettiar
- Innocence Project
- Interfaith Organizing Initiative: Summit on Criminalization and Race
- JailsActionCoalition
- James R. Copland
- Jeff Kirchmeier
- Jeremy Travis
- Jim Dwyer
- Joe Con
- John Jay College
- Juvyjustchange
- Konrad Sibelius
- Law360
- Legal Action Center, 212-243-1313
- Legal Action Center
- Legal Defense Fund
- Leonard Noisette
- Liliana Segura
- Manhattan Institute
- March of Dimes
- Matt Kelley
- Maurice Ross
- Melissa @ MSNBC
- Melissa Harris-Perry
- Milk Not Jails
- Molly Kovel
- MuseumAmericanPrison
- Natalie Nesvaderani
- National GAINS Center/TAPA Center for Jail Diversion, 800-311-4246
- National Immigrants Rights Project of the ACLU
- National Network
- New York City Board of Correction, 212-788-7840
- New York GOP
- Nick Pinto
- Osborne Association
- Ossining Prison Ministry, Inc., 914-941-0540
- PLS Albany, 518-438-8046;
- PLS Buffalo
- PLS Ithaca
- PLS Plattsburgh, 518-561-3088
- Phoenix House
- Pilar Arsenec
- Piper Kerman
- Prison Inmate
- Prison Reform Proj.
- Prisoner Reentry Ins
- PrisonerReentryInst.
- Prisoners Rights Project of the Legal Aid Society, 212-577-3530
- Pro Bono Net
- ProPublica
- Project Exoneration
- Prosecution Center
- Providence House, Inc., 718-455-0197
- Raise TheAge
- Rebecca McCray
- Red Hook Justice
- Release Aging People in Prison
- Reprieve
- Russell Simmons
- Ryan Devereaux
- S.A.M.I.
- SAFER Campus
- SanctuaryforFamilies
- Scott Greenfield
- Scott Hechinger
- Send A Package
- Seth Freed Wessler
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 516-822-3132
- Solitary Watch
- Southern Tier AIDS Program, 607-798-1706
- State of New York, Division of Criminal Justice Services
- State of New York, New York City, Department of Health and Human Hygiene
- State of New York, New York City, Department of Probation
- Texas Appleseed
- The Bronx Defenders
- The Childrens Center, 914-241-3100 x4050; x3199 fax
- The Marshall Project
- The New York Community Trust
- The Osborne Association, 718-707-2600
- ThinkOutsidetheBox
- VOCAL-NY, 718-802-9540
- VOCAL-NY Action Fund
- Vera Institute of Justice
- WSJ Law Blog
- Womens Prison Assoc
- Womens Prison Association and Home, 646-292-7742
- Youth Justice Board
- YouthJusticePrograms
- accesstojustice
- crimcast
- lisa kerr
- nina aledort
- nys prisoner justice
- prisonfamilies
- sure shot