Special Education: Pipeline to Prison?

pipeline116At least one in three children in the juvenile justice system is reported to be suffering from a disability, ranging from emotional disability like bipolar disorder to learning disabilities like dyslexia, with some researchers claiming this number is as high as seventy percent.

In the United States, students with emotional disabilities are three times more likely to be arrested before leaving high school than other students. The vast majority of adults in prison suffer from a disability, and many feel the recent spike in prison populations is due in part to deep problems in the education of children with special needs. In addition, nationwide, at least 73 percent of youth with emotional disabilities who drop out of school are arrested within five years.

What can be done to stop this cycle? Read more at <a href="http://hechingerreport zovirax dosage.org/content/pipeline-prison-special-education-often-leads-jail-thousands-american-children_17796/” target=”_blank”>hechingerreport.comarrow1